Ok, I haven't started the diet yet, but I've finished all my research and book reading on this diet that it seems quite legit and safe. I know there are some Internet sites that say this won't work or is unsafe or unapproved by the FDA.. and yes, it isn't approved by the FDA.. but then again.. a lot of things approved by the FDA are unsafe and that just doesn't make sense! Anyway, this is totally safe and does work.. just check out the thousands of customers' before and after pic.. on FB too.. so we know it's legit. OK, I have about 4 days till August 1st to start the diet.. but I'm just so excited about it that I want to start a little earlier.. maybe in 2 days?? I've gotta get some stuff before I start though.. like all the organic food/and recommended natural products. I'm allowed to eat certain things only.. and only 500 calories per day. I know what you're thinking.. this is starvation, but no it's not. I'm also taking HCG drops that will supply 2000 calories of natural energy, and vit. B12. I'm so not gonna go into detail about how this works because it's a mouth full.. If you want any info on it.. read Dr. Simeons Protocol or Kevin Trudeau's book, The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About. The info in there makes perfect sense.. and I'm the skeptic! So, I've ordered the HCG drops from a trust-worthy online company called http://yourhcg.com and already got it in the mail. I've read everything on that website.. the do's and don'ts.. and they even have a facebook page that you can check out and see TONS of before and after pictures of ppl on this same weight loss diet that I'm about to embark.
I suppose my first blog should tell you a little about myself:
My name is Eloise, aka Eli, aka on here: EllieBellie and I'm a 29 year old woman from California. I have 2 sweet and adorable kids, Logan-3 and Genevieve-1. I'm married to my husband for 7 years this August 10th!! Our marriage has been so wonderful so far, been through a lot, and I mean A LOT, together and it's just strengthened our marriage and relationship with God! We also have a puppy, named Cortez, who's not the brightest but gotta give it to him, he's sweet and cute and smelly... So I guess you can say we're the "nuclear family" of today..
I've started this diet because I'm just sick and tired of how I look and feel.. I've put on lots of lbs within the past 7 years and it's really wearing me out physically and emotionally! I've tried quite a few different diets in the past but because of lack of will power and denial, I've stoped them as fast as I started them. I guess I'm at my.. oh my God, I'm gonna turn 30 and I still weight how much???!!! It's a pretty sobering thought and I really don't want to enter my 30's looking and feeling this way, so I guess this is my next attempt, hard as it may be! I have to say all this weight started after I got on birth control, used "the patch".. and that messed me up good.. gained 20lbs in just 6 months, became depressed- which I've never been in my life, got 2 lumps in my breast, one cystic that went away on it's own and the other a hard benign mass that I had to get surgically removed. So, after that it was down hill (of course I stoped the BC) and I got pregnant w/my son, gained a good 28 lbs. w/that pregnancy and lost a little after I had him but gained it all back because for some reason I felt so hungry then, so that lasted for a good 2 years until I had my daughter and gained 26 lbs. w/her. I really didn't lose any weight after her either, maybe a little but of course gained it all back, darn it, and so now I weight 165, yikes.. I said it! But yes, I do.. and it's most unflattering.. I feel like I still look prego and that's the worst feeling ever!! One time, a little boy asked me if I was having a baby at the dinner table, in front of everyone.. oh gosh.. I must have gotten so red! So of course after all that, I got mad at myself as I'm sure a lot of you do, and then get all fired up to go on some diet and when you go on.. it's all good for a month or less and then you quit as fast as you started. So after many mad sessions and diet-scapades.. I pure and simply.. quit. I was so frustrated and of course mad at myself for being so weak.. oh.. and word of advice for all the strong-willed, skinny, advice-giving ppl.. don't give advice to ppl like us if you've never been in our weak-willed, fat-self shoes. When I was at a skinny 110 lbs, pulling off a 4 pack abs and altogether, what's the work.. oh.. HOT.. I would give others advice about how to loose weight and think.. "well, if they'd just stop eating, they'd loose weight fast!" (said in a duuuuuuhhhhh kind of voice) How naive was I! It's totally not like that and I now realize it. I know many of you might be thinking.. ok.. being 165 lbs is not bad, I weight more.. well it is for me, being only 5'3.. and I'm a little bit shy of my body weight index being obese.. I think that was my breaking point right there. I'm scared into losing weight.. I don't want all that crazy stuff like high blood pressure, diabetes and whatever else.. it's scary and I don't want to go down that path for myself, my children or my husband. I saw a commercial about how diabetes affects your vision and it showed a picture of some kids outside and the lens is the diabetic eye looking through and it showed bits and pieces of the kids and the rest was blurry and missing, kinda like how paper looks when it's burning.. parts of it have holes in it.. Man, that was scary! Anyway, yeah, this first blog is quite long, but it is my first.. mind you.. Ok, so, I will be weighing in the day I start the diet, which is also called vlcd or very low calorie diet and I will post some pictures up then too.. scary.. I know.. but after having 2 kids.. I really don't care who sees my body! LOL
You can do it!