Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 16 HCG Diet/ Weigh In

Today's weigh in: (trumpets, it's ur cue).. 154.8!!!! Another lb lost in the name of weight loss! All, all the hardships are paying off! Oh, btw, yesterday I forgot to eat dinner .. if that's possible! I ate lunch at my inlaws around 1ish and then went on a date w/my husband to the movies and a coffee. FYI, best date in a while!! Anyway, we actually get back to pick up the kids around 8 and by the time we're home and the kids are in bed, I find that it's 10! So to compensate, I eat a bowl of chicken stock w/celery and called it a night! It's really surprising how "not hungry" you are when you take these HCG drops.. it's amazing! Now, I'm at a 7.2 weight loss and I can't wait to get to the 10 lb mark!! OK, well I'll try to post some pics of my food later!

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